Lease Renewals, Restructurings and Relocations are many times interconnected. Usually when considering a relocation, the renewal or lease restructuring is used to assist in getting the finest relocation option and vice versa. ProTen is relentless in finding all possible alternatives so that an effective competitive bidding process can take place for a client’s requirement. We understand the motivations of each landlord. ProTen uses a great amount of due diligence because the best renewals, relocations or new locations are achieved by having good, actionable alternatives. We also realize it is important to incorporate built-in flexibility in all our clients’ leases. Expansion, contraction, extension and termination rights are carefully negotiated. The financial strength of the landlord is thoroughly understood. All clauses of the lease are negotiated to ensure our clients have strong rights in the lease and that there are well-defined ways to ensure the landlord meets all its obligations.
Subleases & Buy-Outs are usually related to a merger which necessitates a client dispose of space prior to the expiration or early termination date. ProTen provides a broad range of services to support this need, finding and negotiating not only the prospective sublease with the subtenant, but also actively working closely with the landlord in terms of all approvals. ProTen often negotiates an early buy-out and turnover of the subtenant to the landlord which completely removes all the client’s residual obligations.